South Lyon/Brighton, MI


We currently have spots open for our small group training sessions at the FIGR gym in South Lyon, MI.

Please see the details below to see if these classes would be a good fit for you!


LOCATION: South Lyon, MI

WORKOUT DURATION: 45-60 minutes

CLASS TYPES: we offer a ladies only and men’s only class. Katelyn runs the ladies classes and Anthony runs the men’s. *The ladies classes are not pregnancy and/or postpartum specific, but modifications, guidance and structure will be given to each woman within the class setting every step of the way!

CLASS SIZE: class size varies by the day, but are generally between 4-7 people per workout. This way we are able to tailor workouts more specifically to clients in class, help with form & modifications and create a close-knit environment with our members.

WORKOUT DESCRIPTION: both ladies and men’s classes include a variety of workout structures and include mainly functional fitness and strength based movements. You can expect to see things like AMRAP’s, EMOM’s, chippers, Tabatas, strength circuits, intervals, and more. Experience with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells is recommended, but not required. Workouts are different every single day and are programmed by the trainer specifically for each class.

PAYMENTS & SCHEDULING: all payments and scheduling go through the Mindbody app. Prices are as follows:

  • Monthly Unlimited: $200/month
  • 10 Class Pack: $220 (never expires, no autorenew)
  • Drop Ins: $25
  • First class is free! Message or email us to schedule your first workout.


The FIGR gym is located in our home, so there are no open gym times or drop ins – just scheduled classes!

For new clients who are pregnant or postpartum: please fill out the form below prior to coming to your first class!

For full location details, questions, or to try your first class for free, please email us at or message us on Instagram